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Hon Jeremie Ngendakumana, mover of the Resolution condoling with the United Republic of Tanzania following the demise of Hon Samuel Sitta.  Hon Sitta passed away while undergoing treatment earlier on this month
Hon Jeremie Ngendakumana, mover of the Resolution condoling with the United Republic of Tanzania following the demise of Hon Samuel Sitta.  Hon Sitta passed away while undergoing treatment earlier on this month
Rt Hon Daniel Fred Kidega, Speaker of EALA (centre) flanked by Hon Peter Mathuki (left) and Hon Makongoro Nyerere (right) at the Press conference earlier today
EALA to sit in Nairobi next week
The Speaker of EALA, Rt Hon Daniel F. Kidega (left) is received by the Obongi County MP, Hon Kaps Fungaroo Hassan to the celebrations