Debate on the Accounts Committee for Report of EAC Audited Accounts for the Financial Year Ended Jun

The Assembly this afternoon moved to adjourn debate on the Report of the Committee on Accounts on the EAC’s audited accounts for the Financial Year ending 30th June 2013. The report tabled last week by the Chair of the Accounts Committee, Hon Jeremie Ngendakumana, is now expected to be debated at the next Sitting in Bujumbura, Burundi.  This follows a motion for adjournment of the ensuing debate moved by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Hon Dr Abdalla Sadaala Abdalla.

The move is to allow for the Council of Ministers time to delve deeper into the report, undertake investigation and deep interrogation.   The Minister added that the Council would like to take time to analyse and to verify some of the findings so as to give the Assembly more effective answers at its next Sitting.

“The Committee’s findings pose serious and deep-rooted matters that necessitate serious consideration by the Council. Some of the findings go to the root of the state of affairs of the EAC as a cherished engine of integration”, the Minister said.

The motion for adjournment of the debate is further pegged on the basis of Rule 31( c) of the Rules of Procedure governing the Assembly which provides that a motion for adjournment may be moved without notice.

Hon Dr. Sadaala lauded the Accounts Committee for tabling the report and remarked that the Committee had acted within the parametres of its responsibilities as provided for under its Rules of Procedure and added that this was part of the obligations of the Assembly as provided for under Article 49 of the EAC Treaty.  

The Minister however noted that the report in its entirety, did not capture the responses of the EAC management.
“Mr. Speaker, I wish to inform this House that the Council and the Secretary General did meet the Committee to respond to the queries raised in the Audit Report”, Hon Saadala said.

“It is unfortunate that our (Council) and management’s responses are not well reflected in the report of the Committee’, he added.
During debate, Hon Mike Sebalu challenged the Council of Ministers in future to engage much earlier and in time so that effective responses are given in time.  “I hope this will not be a common practice”, he said.

Hon Abubakar Zein Abubakar told the Council to critically look into the matters contained in the report.  “There should be a timeframe attached to Council’s request” he said. Hon Mumbi Ngaru Hon Kimbisa and Hon Dr Nderakindo Kessy urged the Council to speedily address the contents therein.

Hon Susan Nakawuki and Hon Saoli Ole Nkanae however opposed the motion citing the need to address the matters raised in the report urgently.


For more information, contact
Bobi Odiko, Senior Public Relations Officer, East African Legislative Assembly. Tel: +255-27-2508240 Fax: +255-27-2503103, Cell: +255-787-870945 +254-733-718036 Email:, Web: 

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania

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