EALA has reiterated the importance of co-ordinating and monitoring Partner States’ compliance and adherence to good governance in management of natural resources in the region. In that regard, the Assembly is urging the EAC Secretariat to establish an institutional mechanism that shall oversee effective monitoring and to effect a regional forum tasked with information sharing towards strengthening economic development.
At the same time, the Assembly wants the development of a regional mining policy that shall take into consideration those of the Partner States, Africa’s Mining Vision and other necessary international instruments. Complimenting this effort is the need to support exertion by the African Union to eradicate poverty by inter alia implementing the Africa Mining Vision 2050 and integrating mining into development policies at local, national and regional levels.
The recommendations are contained in a report of the workshop on Governance of Natural Resources in the EAC region adopted by EALA at its Plenary Session this afternoon. The workshop held in Nairobi in December 2012, sought to engender a holistic approach that addresses good governance in the spectrum of natural resources management. Its objectives included: facilitating a collective understanding of what regional Parliaments can do to complement national efforts in ensuring equitable, accountable and sustainable utilization of natural resources and facilitating exchange of experiences and innovations on natural resources’ governance.
The workshop further wanted to ensure a collective understanding of existing ownership and revenue models and to understand the inherent revenue risks in the existing policies. The Report brings to fore the fact that the EAC Protocol on Environment and Natural Resources that was signed in April 2006 is yet to be ratified by all signatory parties.
The December workshop was opened by the Deputy Secretary General in charge of Political Federation at the EAC Dr. Julius Tangus Rotich and attended by EALA Members, representatives from Ministries of Natural Resources and Tourism, Energy and Mines, Forestry and Wildlife and EAC Affairs and Planning. Other institutions represented included Lake Victoria Basin Commission, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation, UNDP Regional Office, Tax Justice Network-Kenya, the Parliament of South Africa and EAC/EALA staff.
Debating on the report today, Hon Dr. Martin Nduwimana noted that the region had ample natural resources but that the EAC had continued to languish from poverty. He called for a change in mindset on matters related to natural resources and remarked that the Assembly should produce a special issue of the Bunge la Afrika Mashariki newsletter dedicated to natural resources to create more awareness. The legislator appealed for more support for the Inter-Parliamentary Relations Liaison Committee on Extractive Industries.
Hon Christophe Bazivamo noted that EAC had several minerals and that it could benefit more by building mineral factories to harness value addition as opposed to mere exports of the minerals. Hon Saoli ole Nkanae said equity, justice and sustainability of natural resources was needed as a pre-requisite to eradicate poverty. The Counsel to the Community, Hon Wilbert T.K. Kaahwa said it was important for harmonization of municipal laws to be realized and that the program initiated by EAC to realize the objective remained on course. Hon Adam Kimbisa noted that it was time to plan and introduce green revolution in the EAC’s economies to rid the region of hunger.
Others in support of the motion were Hon Chris Opoka-Okumu, Hon AbuBakr Ogle, Hon Leonce Ndarubagiye and Hon Angela Kizigha.
EAC Secretary General, Amb Dr. Richard Sezibera re-stated the importance of effecting a co-ordinated approach towards managing natural resources in the region. He remarked that the region was still capable of discovering natural resources in the years to come and promised that the Secretariat would ensure the recommendations emanating from the report are implemented.
The Chair of the Council of Ministers, Hon Shem Bageine noted that it was time for the region to look more critically at private-public partnerships with the regional stakeholders taking the upper hand in the dispensation.
The Report was debated as the second meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council on Environment and Natural Resources got underway next door in Kigali, Rwanda.
For more information, contact Bobi Odiko, Senior Public Relations Officer
East African Legislative Assembly, Tel: +255-27-2508240, Cell: +255-787-870945, +254-733-718036 Email: BOdiko@eachq.org, Web: https://www.eala.org