EALA Condolences With Republic of Burundi Following the Shooting of Citizens in Gatumba, Bujumbura


On behalf of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and on my own behalf, I wish to express regret and heartfelt condolences to H.E. President Pierre Nkurunziza, the entire Government of the Republic of Burundi and citizens, following the attack on innocent citizens in Bujumbura on September 19, 2011, that left about 36 persons dead.

It is with heartfelt sadness that I and the Members of the Assembly have learnt of the attack at an entertainment spot in Gatumba, west of Burundi's capital. I am shocked at the news of the dastardly act of the indiscriminate shooting that led to loss of precious human lives.  Such loss is a big blow to the EAC region which is still reeling from the recent tragic deaths following the fire accident in the Republic of Kenya and the Zanzibar sea ferry tragedy in the United Republic of Tanzania.

EALA sends its sympathies and prays for the speedy recovery of all those who suffered gun-shot wounds.

As an Assembly, we take the earliest opportunity to strongly condemn the cowardly attack meted out on the citizens. I do hope that the perpetrators of this despicable act will be brought to justice promptly. In the meantime, I appeal and call on the aggrieved persons to exercise restraint as the authorities investigate the heinous event.

EALA takes cognizance of the fact that H.E. President Pierre Nkurunziza personally visited the scene to commiserate with the residents of the area assuring them of thorough investigation in to the matter and the beefing up of security in the capital and the country at large.

I wish to assure H.E President Nkurunziza and the people of Burundi of our support and solidarity as an Assembly.

September 22, 2011

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania

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