EALA Congratulates Rt. Hon Pierre Damien Habumuremyi Following His Appointment as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda


On behalf of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and on my own behalf, I wish to congratulate the Rt. Hon Pierre Damien Habumuremyi following his appointment as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda.

Let me take this opportunity at the outset to salute President Paul Kagame for bestowing full confidence in the leadership abilities of the Rt. Hon Habumuremyi, whom he had just previously appointed as the Minister for Education.  

Rt. Hon Habumuremyi has credentials exhibiting years of accomplished service in various capacities in the government of Rwanda and the region.  EALA was also privileged to have benefited from his vast knowledge, parliamentary and oratory skills as a Member of the 2nd Assembly.

We are confident that such testimonials shall come in handy as the Prime Minister assumes his new responsibilities where he takes the mantle at a time when the Republic of Rwandaenjoys a positive profile and leverage within the EAC region and the globe.

We as EALA assure Rt. Hon Habumuremyi of our full support and are confident that he shall meet and deliver on the responsibilities of the new docket with great vision, impetus and vigour.  

In the same vein, EALA salutes the immediate former Prime Minister, Hon. Bernard Makuza for his exemplary performance and service to the Republic of Rwanda and the Community as marked by significant milestones.

We congratulate Hon Makuza on his appointment as Senator in the Parliament of Rwanda and wish him all the best in the appointment.

October 11, 2011


East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania

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