EALA Mulls over Enhanced Communication and Outreach with Publics

EALA Speaker, Rt Hon Daniel F. Kidega is rooting for enhanced and dynamic modes of communication to strengthen the regional integration process. Consequently, the Assembly is expected to scale-up the flow of communication using a multi-faceted approach over the next three years as it enhances its mandate. Rt. Hon Kidega was speaking when he met representatives of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) who paid him a courtesy call at the Speaker’s Chamber last week.

The delegation consisted of the Regional Director of Programmes, Africa and Europe, George Kunath. Senior Programme Manager, Africa, Majda Elbeid and Regional Finance Manager, East Africa, Beverly Kaluli.  The trio were in Arusha to review the relationship with EALA and to map the way forward on the working arrangements for the next phase (Phase 2).

Under the arrangement, WFD will assist to build the capacity of Communications component at the Assembly by revolutionizing the online and social media platform to enhance interactivity between the Assembly and its constituents.

The move is expected to enhance outreach to many citizens and create a mode of interaction between the regional legislators and their citizens.

George Kunnath, WFD Regional Director, Africa and Europe Program said “there is need for the civil society groups to link in with EALA and further disseminate the much needed information to their cadre”.  “We hope we shall realise this prospect”, he added.

The WFD Regional Director said innovative approaches to communications were necessary to spread the message of integration to all citizens of the region.

The WFD and EALA worked together under a three year Programme (April 2012-March 2015) which realised a number of successes.  The overall programme focus was to strengthen staff and member capacity and to support Civil Society Organisation engagements.  They further addressed some of the key challenges including; inadequate mechanisms for effective engagement of the civil society sector and other stakeholders, limited staff capacity to effectively execute EALA’s work at Committee and Assembly levels Successes included; the development, production and adoption of a new EALA Strategic Plan, 2013 – 2018, design and development of a monitoring framework for the EALA Strategic Plan and training of departmental heads on its application.  Also achieved under the Programme was increased knowledge and hence professionalism among staff on Parliamentary processes.


For more information, contact
Bobi Odiko,
Senior Public Relations Officer,
East African Legislative Assembly.
Tel: +255-27-2508240
Fax: +255-27-2503103,
Cell: +255-787-870945 ; +254-733-718036.
Email: BOdiko@eachq.org,
Web: https://www.eala.org

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania

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