EALA Speaker addresses media in Bujumbura as session kicks off

East African Legislative Assembly, Bujumbura, 27th March, 2023: The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), has commenced its 3rd Meeting of the 1st Session in Bujumbura, Burundi. The meeting will run from 27th  March – 7th April, 2023.

Addressing a well-attended press conference at the Burundi National Assembly, the Speaker, Rt Hon Joseph Ntakirutimana remarked that the opportunity, to meet in Bujumbura was key and that it underscored EALA’s critical pursuit for the principal of rotation and in line with key provisions of the EAC Treaty.

“By having this plenary meeting here in Bujumbura, we hope and believe that the policy of hosting rotational sittings within the Partner States will go a long way in enhancing the image and visibility of EAC in all the Partner States.” Rt. Hon. Speaker said.  

The Speaker who was accompanied by Members, reiterated EALA’s steadfast commitment to ensure the aspirations of EAC citizens are taken into consideration as it carries on with its mandate.

The Rt. Hon. Speaker informed the media about the Assembly’s intention to conduct the following notable business:


  • to receive the official address by H.E Evariste Ndayishimiye at a Special Sitting, on 28th March 2023;


  • consideration of the EAC Supplementary Appropriation Bill; the EAC Standardisation, Accreditation and Conformity Assessment Bill; 


  • consideration of the report of the Committee on Legal, Rules and Privileges on the oversight activity on the Implementation of the Protocols and Laws Governing EAC Institutions;


  • consideration of other reports and pending matters from various Committees of the Assembly;


  • consideration of several Motions and Questions brought before the House;


Apart from the above said business that will be conducted in the Plenary Chamber, the Assembly also intends to conduct outreach activities in the country; an on-spot visit to Gatumba – Burundi/DRC Border.


Other Members who briefly addressed the media were Hon. Dr. Abdullah Hasnuu Makame, Hon. Amb. Fatuma Ndangiza and Hon. Sankok Ole David.



For more information, contact


EALA Media Team
East African Legislative Assembly
Arusha, Tanzania
Cell: +255-765746904
Email: eala@eachq.org
Web: www.eala.org

EALA Members during the press conference in Bujumbura, Burundi
Members of the media at the Press conference

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