East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Annual Planning Meeting for FY 2024/25 concludes in Arusha, Tanzania

Arusha, Tanzania, September 4, 2024 – The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Commission, along with the Chairpersons of the Assembly’s Standing Committees, convened in Arusha for a two-day meeting to draft the Annual Workplan for the financial year 2024/25.

Mandated by Sections 4(a) and 17 of the Administration of EALA Act, 2012, and Rule 60 of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure, the Commission is responsible for managing and organizing the Assembly’s business and program for each financial year in collaboration with the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees. 

The meeting was attended by members of the Commission (two per Partner State), and the Chairpersons of the six Standing Committees: The Accounts Committee; the Committee on Legal, Rules, and Privileges; the Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources; the Committee on Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution; the Committee on Communication, Trade and Investment; and the Committee on General Purpose. The Committees are the technical arm of the Assembly and execute the bulk of EALA’s work. 

The primary objective of the meeting was to align the resources allocated to the Assembly in the 2024/25 budget with activities that support the progressive attainment of the East African Community (EAC) integration objectives as outlined along the four pillars of EAC integration: the Customs Union, the Common Market, the Monetary Union, and the Political Federation.

In his opening remarks, the Rt. Hon. Speaker and Chair of the EALA Commission, The Rt. Hon. Joseph Ntakirutimana, emphasized the importance of prioritizing the consideration of Bills in line with the Assembly’s legislative function. He also highlighted the need for cost-cutting measures to address the liquidity challenges affecting the Community and the Assembly, which relies solely on Partner States’ remittances. The planning meeting was held in September, two months after the commencement of the financial year 2024/25, due to these financial constraints.

The meeting approved the Assembly’s Annual Workplan for the Financial Year 2024/25. Priority activities that will be implemented are in line with the legislative, oversight and representation function of the Assembly. With respect to legislation, the Standing Committees will consider Bills pending before the House, including the EAC Financial Services Commission and the EAC Statistics Bureau Bill that will lay the foundation for the implementation of the EAC Monetary Union. The Committees will also undertake oversight activities aimed at ensuring effective functioning of the Customs Union Protocol (through elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers), the EAC Common Market Protocol, as well as, good governance and high standards of accountability for the EAC Organs and Institutions. Equally, dispute and conflict resolution mechanisms to ensure peace and security within the EAC region will also be scrutinized. 

The findings and recommendations of the Standing Committees will be debated in the Plenary Sessions of the Assembly and form the basis of passing the Bills and adoption of relevant recommendations to various stakeholders. 

About the East African legislative Assembly: 

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) is the Legislative Organ of the Community and has a cardinal function to further EAC objectives, through its Legislative, Representative and Oversight mandate. It was established under Article 9 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community. 

For further information, please contact: 

Nicodemus Ajak Bior 

Senior Public Relations Officer (SPRO) 

East Africa Legislative Assembly 

Arusha, Tanzania 

Tel: +255-768-885-633/, +254729157207(WhatsApp) 

Email: nbior@eachq.org 

Web: www.eala.org 

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