House Adjourned Indefinitely

EALA has this morning adjourned sine die (indefinitely) on the last day of business owing to a quorum hitch. The Rules of Procedure (Rule 13) provide that the quorum of the House shall consist of half of the elected Members provided that such quorum shall be composed of at least three of the elected nine Members from each Partner State.

Only two Members of the Assembly from the United Republic of Tanzania were present in the House this morning.  Kenya had 8 Members, Burundi 8 Members, Uganda 7 Members and Rwanda 9 Members, during the roll call by the Speaker.

Hon Susan Nakawuki brought the matter of objection to quorum to the notice of the Speaker, who suspended the House for 15 minutes in accordance with the Rules. Upon resumption, the numbers remained the same.

As at the time of interruption, the Motion moved by Hon Dora Byamukama on Wednesday, October 29th, 2014, to remove Hon Shy-Rose Bhanji as a Member of the EALA Commission (EALA’s policy organ) by way of secret ballot was on the Order Paper.  Under the Rules of Procedure (Rule 18) any item of business standing on the Order Paper as at time of interruption shall be placed on the Order Paper for the next Sitting.

The Motion moved under Article 31 (l) avers that the Member had exhibited misconduct while on an EU Benchmarking trip to Brussels, Belgium on October 7-11th, 2014 and attended by Members of the Commission and Chairpersons of EALA’s Committees.

According to the Motion, the Member in question made derogatory remarks about some EAC Partner States, some Members of the Summit of EAC States and verbally insulted Members of the delegation.  

The Resolution condemns and expresses displeasure in the mis-conduct of the Honorable Shyrose Bhanji.  

The Motion was supported by Hon Abubakar Zein, Hon Christophe Bazivamo, Hon Bernard Mulengani and Hon Dr. Martin Nduwimana.  Others were Hon Hafsa Mossi, Hon Abdulkarim Harelimana, Hon Peter Mathuki, and Hon Mike Sebalu.

Those who opposed the Motion were Hon Makongoro Nyerere, Hon Taslima Twaha, Hon Mumbi Ngaru and Hon Susan Nakawuki.

In her contribution, Hon Shyrose Bhanji denied the allegations terming them as character assassination.  She urged the House that all allegations be put in writing to afford her an opportunity to formally respond.

The Speaker has also announced in the House of the resignation of 5 Commissioners from the EALA Commission. The Members are Hon Abubakar Ogle (Kenya), Hon Christophe Bazivamo (Rwanda), Hon Patricia Hajabakiga (Rwanda), Hon Hafsa Mossi (Burundi) and Hon Jeremy Ngendakumana (Burundi).

This now means that for the Commission to transact any business it needs to be re-constituted according to Article 3 of the Administration of the East African Legislative Assembly Act.


Rules of Procedure of the Assembly
Rule 13

(1)     The quorum of the House or of the Committee of the Whole House shall be half of the  elected Members:
Provided that such quorum shall be composed of at least three of the elected Members from each Partner State.

(2)    If at any time of sitting, or when the House is in Committee, any Member objects that there is no quorum present, the Speaker or the Chairman shall, on ascertaining it to be true, suspend the proceedings of the House for an interval of fifteen minutes during which a bell shall be rung.

(3)    If on resumption of proceedings after the expiry of fifteen minutes, the number of Members present is still less than half the Speaker or the Chairman, as the case may be, shall adjourn the House or the Committee of the Whole House without question put.

Rule 31
Motion which may be moved without Notice

29    The following motions may be moved without notice:-
(a)    any motion by way of amendment to a question already proposed by the Speaker.
(b)    a motion for the adjournment of the House;
(c)    any motion for adjournment of a debate;
(d)    any motion for the suspension of Rules of Procedure;
(e)    any motion for the withdrawal or re-admission of strangers;
(f)    any motion that the House do resolve itself, into a Committee of the Whole      House;
(g)    a motion moved when the House is in Committee;
(h)    a motion for suspension of a Member;
(i)    any motion made in accordance with the Rules governing the procedure of Bills;
(j)    any motion raising a question of privilege; 
(k)    any motion for agreement or disagreement of the House with a 
Committee of the Whole House in a resolution reported, or for the recommittal thereof for the postponement of the further consideration thereof;
(l)    any motion on urgent matters of public importance supported by one third of  Member present; and (m) any motion under Rule 62.

The Administration of EALA Act, 2011

3.    (1) There is established a Commission known as the East African Legislative Assembly Commission
(2) The Commission shall be composed of the Speaker, the Chairperson of the Council who shall be an exfficio member und two members of the Assembly from each Partner State, elected by the Assembly.

For more information, contact:
Bobi Odiko,
Senior Public Relations Officer,
East African Legislative Assembly.
Tel: +255-27-2508240 Fax: +255-27-2503103,
Cell: +255-787-870945 +254-733-718036.
No in Kigali +250785242879.

East African Legislative Assembly, Kigali, Rwanda

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