Members Begin Five Day Capacity Building Workshop in Zanzibar

EALA Members this morning commenced a five-day capacity building workshop on the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Auditing processes in Zanzibar, Tanzania in a bid to enhance the oversight function of the Assembly. EALA Speaker, Rt. Hon Daniel Fred Kidega said the workshop was deemed necessary to enhance the oversight function of the Assembly.

The capacity building workshop presents an opportune moment for EALA to be able to harness understanding of the technical workings of the MTEF budgeting and to comprehend the procedures that go on in the auditing processes.

“Interesting topics include the role of the Committee on Accounts and the Assembly in the Accountability process as well as the technical and political review of the Audit Commission Report. This is deemed necessary for the Members as a means to enhancing our oversight function”, the EALA Speaker said.

The Committees on Accounts and General Purpose called for enhancement of capacities in the field to arm the Assembly with the necessary skills and expertise and to improve the oversight function.

The EALA Members are also expected to undertake a capacity building course in Kiswahili to shore up their efforts in sensitising the citizens in the region.

The EALA Speaker remarked that Kiswahili was a key uniting factor for the region and in strengthening the integration process.

"As the integration deepens and specifically with the Common Market Protocol in effect, it is important for all EAC citizens to speak Kiswahili to avoid lagging behind. It is also expected to serve as an important tool in forging the much awaited Political Federation in the region", Rt. Hon Kidega said.  

Kiswahili is the lingua franca of the Community as envisaged under Article 137 of the EAC Treaty.  Kiswahili is widely spoken in diverse regions across the EAC region.

He said Members would benefit a great deal by sharpening Kiswahili as they strive to sensitise citizens of the region.

“As an Assembly, we also have no choice but to perfect our Kiswahili.  Already many of us are quite comfortable with Kiswahili, but this is no excuse for we need to be articulate, knowledgeable and fluent if we are to fully sensitise the citizens of this great region”, the Speaker added. 

The Kiswahili Commission was established as an institution of the EAC and is based in Zanzibar.

The objectives of the workshop are as follows:

  1.  To enhance capacity of Members in the MTEF, budgeting process;
  2.  To enhance the capacity of Members’ technical knowledge on EAC Audited Accounts;
  3.  To enhance the knowledge and fluency in the Kiswahili language;
  4.  To enhance the Members’ capacity to accomplish the fulfilment of the functions and roles of the Assembly by improved effectiveness in (i) and (iii).

Under the Audit function, the workshop inter alia, expects to enhance Members capacity to carry out the post audit function that encompasses the need to monitor the implementation of the budget in a manner similar to internal audit.  This is pursuant to Rule 72 (1) of the EALA Rules of Procedure that enables the Assembly to monitor the implementation of the budget of the Community through the Committee responsible for budgetary control and other relevant Committees.

Topics to be covered hereunder include: the role of the Committee on Accounts and the Assembly in the Accountability process; the technical and political review of the Audit Commission Report and auditing standards.  Audit processes and the role of stakeholders in Accountability relationships shall be looked at.

The Consultants are drawn from the Audit Commission and the University of Zanzibar.

As the regional Assembly, EALA’s mandate encompasses legislation, oversight and representation.    Sensitisation of publics is a key plank of EALA’s activities and is the theme of its Strategic Plan anchored on a people centred approach to widening and deepening of the EAC integration process.

About the MTEF
The EAC adopted the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in its budgeting process since 2011. This is an annual exercise rolling three year expenditure planning.  It allocates resources based on the priorities and ensures that these allocations are consistent with the objectives of the organization.  MTEF also contains outcome criteria for the purpose of performance monitoring and together with the Annual Budget planning. The objective of the MTEF Training will be to enhance the understanding of Members in the planning and budgeting process with particular emphasis on the MTEF.  Secondly, there is need for Members to understand the guiding policies in planning and its linkage with the budgeting process to enable them familiarize themselves with the MTEF preparation and presentation format.

For more information, contact
Bobi Odiko,
Senior Public Relations Officer,
East African Legislative Assembly.
Tel: +255-27-2508240
Fax: +255-27-2503103,
Cell: +255-787-870945 +254-733-718036.

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