Message of Condolence by EALA Speaker, Hon. Daniel F. Kidega following the Passing of General Aronda

Message of Condolence by EALA Speaker, RT Hon. Daniel F. Kidega to the Government, Family and Citizens of Uganda Following the Passing of the Late General Aronda Nyakairima, Minister of Internal Affairs, Republic of Uganda on September, 12, 2015

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing on of Gen Aronda Nyakairima, Minister of Internal Affairs, Republic of Uganda, which occurred on September 12th, 2015.

I learnt with utter shock of the demise of General Nyakairima, a patriot, true friend, legislator, gallant son of Uganda and a man of character.

At this time of grief, I offer my deep-felt condolences and that of the entire Membership and staff of the East African Legislative Assembly to his widow, children and the Government of Uganda following the sudden and sad loss.

I applaud the late General Aronda Nyakairima for exhibiting patriotism, dedication and commitment in his entire service to the country and the EAC region.  This is a character which we all need to embrace.

General Aronda was also a source of inspiration to the young people of Uganda and the EAC.  He always found time amidst his busy schedule to mentor young, listen to them and to offer wise counsel.

He has been a legislator, representing the UPDF in the Ugandan Parliament since 1996. I was privileged to serve in the 7th Parliament with General Aronda, during which time, I found him to be articulate in his contributions to debate in the House and passionate about development of Republic of Uganda and the region at large.

During his service in the UPDF, General Aronda rose through the ranks becoming the first Chief of Defence Forces under the new UPDF Act.  While in the Armed Forces, he exhibited discipline and courage.

As Minister of Internal Affairs, the late General Aronda Nyakairima was talented and served with boundless dedication, utmost humility and commitment.  The passing on of General Aronda is a major blow to the EAC. General Aronda was instrumental in the implementation of the Common Market Protocol. At time of his demise, General Aronda was working on issuance of the third generation citizens’ Identity cards, a key deliverable of the Common Market Protocol. His resolve and passion to enable Uganda issue Identity cards to all its citizens was so intense that it had more or less become his pet subject.

His departure from the scene is thus a big blow to the integration process.  It is my hope and prayer that issuance of identity cards shall be realized to fruition in remembrance of our fallen friend.

The late General Aronda also played a key role in leveraging the EAC Military Games and in the process harnessing integration of the Defence Forces to a large extent.

Indeed, in the words of late Mahatma Gandhi’s that, “a man of character will make himself worthy of any position he is given” is reflected clearly in the life and times of the late General.

As I bid farewell to my friend, my thoughts go to his widow, Linda, the children and the entire family. I pray for God to surround you with his blessings.  There are no words to console you but we hope the memory of General Aronda and the good things he did will assure you that his short life was not in vein.

I pray for God’s supplications and sustenance at this moment and in the times to follow.

May his Soul rest in eternal and perfect Peace.


Daniel F. Kidega

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