Press Statement: EALA Condoles With Zanzibar and the United Republic of Tanzania Following Yesterday


On behalf of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and on my own behalf wish to express my regrets and heartfelt condolences to H.E. President Dr. Ali Mohammed Shein, the Government of Zanzibar and citizens of the United Republic of Tanzania, following the sea tragedy that occurred yesterday in Zanzibar.
It is with deep regret that I and the Members of the Assembly have learned of the capsize of the ferry MV Spice Islander, in Nungwi bay, 30 km into its journey to Pemba, that led to death of over 160 persons. Several casualties have been reported while others are still missing.

EALA which has been holding its plenary in Kigali, Rwanda, is indeed saddened by the tragedy and joins the people of Zanzibar in mourning. The tragedy affects us all as a region since Zanzibar is a significant segment in the economy of the East African Community.

The tragic marine accident has claimed hundreds of lives and also seriously affected the health of the citizens who survived. EALA condoles with the families and relatives of those who lost their loved ones and prays to God that they find comfort during this period of grief. We thank the Almighty God for saving lives and pray for the speedy recovery of the casualties so that they may continue with the day to day activities of building the nation and the East African region at large.

I note with appreciation the steps taken so far by the Government of Zanzibar and the United Republic of Tanzania in rescue efforts. I thank the President and Government of Zanzibar for moving fast to form a Probe Committee to investigate the cause and for the assurances that rescue operations would continue to retrieve bodies still trapped inside the capsized ship.  I appeal to the people of Zanzibar to be calm during this period as we wait for the outcomes of the Probe Committee and steps taken to contain and remedy the situation.

I wish to assure Dr. Mohammed Shein and the people of Zanzibar of our support and solidarity as an Assembly.

September 11, 2011

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania

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