Press Statement: Fourth Meeting – Fourth Session – Second Assembly


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press
I welcome you all to this press briefing convened to notify you of the 4th Meeting of the 4th Session of the Second East African Legislative Assembly scheduled to take place at the Parliament of Rwanda here in Kigali from 28th March 2011 to April 7th, 2011.

On behalf of the Assembly and on my own behalf, allow me to extend our appreciation to the government of the Republic of Rwanda for accepting once more to host the EALA in Rwanda. EALA appreciates this brotherly gesture and we assure the people of Rwanda of the unwavering support of the people of East Africa in your apparent path to greater heights in your development efforts.

We thank our hosts, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies for granting us access to the Parliament of Rwanda for our session. EALA and the Parliament of Rwanda have in the past few years since becoming Partners in EAC, established warm and cordial relations between the two Institutions.

Meetings of the Assembly are now frequently been held in all the Partner States as per the Provisions of Article 55 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community.  Exactly two months ago, we held the third meeting of the fourth session in Nairobi, Kenya.

By holding this important Session in Kigali, EALA also extends to its Members, an opportunity to interact with citizens of Rwanda on a wide range of issues and also to share experiences with the political leadership of this country.

Over the next two-weeks, the Assembly will conduct its Plenary and Committee Sessions.  Notable business for consideration shall include:
• Official address by H.E. President Paul Kagame on March 29, 2011
• State of the EAC Address by H.E. Pierre Nkurunziza in his capacity as Chairperson of the Summit of the EAC Heads of State;
• The EAC Elections Bill 2nd and 3rd    Reading:
• The EAC Service Commission Bill 2nd and    3rd Reading:
• The Inter-University Council of East Africa (Amendment) Bill 2nd and 3rd Reading:
• Reports of various Committees; and
• an interactive meeting with Members of the Rwanda National Assembly.

Generally, EALA has taken centre stage in the integration process by providing the required legislative framework and oversight to ensure the integration agenda continues to be a priority.  The involvement of East Africans in the process is fundamental given the fact that it is very much “a people centred process”.  As such, the Assembly has and will continue to engage the citizens of the region and taking their comments into account when enacting legislations.    

Just last week, Members of the Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution were in Kigali and its environs for a tour of the EAC Border Posts and oversight activities with the overall mission of assessing progress. EALA shall continue to provide the much needed impetus to spur regional integration.

The EAC is at an important phase in the integration process.  The Customs Union is now fully-fledged.  The Common Market Protocol is now in force. The EAC shall over the next 12 months hold negotiations of the Monetary Union, the important third step in the four-tier integration process. This is in tandem with the directives of the EAC Summit in 2007 that decided to fast track the achievement of the Monetary Union by 2012.  The region has realized notable progress, the challenges notwithstanding.

It is important to note that the laws enacted by the EAC have the full force of law and take precedent over similar laws in the Partner States on matters related to the Community.

Finally, I wish to bring to your attention the fact that this year, EALA shall be marking its 10th Anniversary celebrations. The commemoration which shall be observed in the EAC Partner States is to climax with a wide range of the activities to be observed in Arusha, Tanzania on November 29, 2011.  EALA shall thus use the celebrations to reflect on the various achievements (and challenges) realized over the past ten years and appraise its own effectiveness as it sets the mood for the next decade.

We shall while in Kigali participate in social activities (Umuganda) with the people and specifically by helping in the campaign to eradicate grass thatched houses.
March 24, 2011

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania

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