Press Statement: Third Meeting – Fifth Session – Second Assembly

Ladies & Gentlemen of the Press

Let me at the outset wish all East Africans a prosperous 2012. I welcome you to the media briefing convened to notify you of the 3rd Meeting of the 5th Session of the Second East African Legislative Assembly that takes place here at the Parliament of Uganda from today, January 23rd 2012 and ends on 2nd February, 2012.

On behalf of the Assembly and on my own behalf, allow me to salute His Excellency, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the Government and citizens of the Republic of Uganda for accepting to host EALA. We thank H.E. President Museveni for accepting to address us tomorrow, January 24, 2012 at 3pm. EALA appreciates the wise and able leadership of President Museveni in steering Uganda to greater heights and for his significant contribution to the EAC as a Member of the Summit of the EAC Heads of State.

The Assembly is also grateful to the Chairperson of the Summit of the EAC Heads of State, H.E. Mwai Kibaki for graciously accepting to deliver the State of EAC Address on January 25, 2012. The State of EAC Address as delivered by a sitting Chairperson often deliberates on matters of importance to the Community, reflects on matters of general policies relating

to the progress that our Community is realizing, while outlining the strategic challenges which require greater attention. In certain instances, delivery of the Address calls upon the Chairperson to traverse the region and deliver the speech in a Partner State where EALA is sitting.  This is unique and positively exemplifies how progressive the integration process has become.

We thank our host, the Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda and Chairperson of the EAC Speakers’ Forum Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga for granting us access to the Parliament of Uganda and for extending the use of various facilities to EALA for this Session. This is the last meeting EALA is holding in Kampala as the 2nd Assembly - given that its term ends on June 4, 2012. To this end, Partner States shall be electing Members of the 3rd Assembly in the coming months.

To date, EALA has enacted 40 pieces of legislation.  The Assembly has 5 pending Bills which are the Transboundary Ecosystem Bill 2011, the IUCEA Bill, the EAC Polythene Materials Control Bill 2011, the EAC Conflict Bill 2011 and the EAC Human and People’s Rights Bill 2011. It is our intention to enact all Bills before we complete our term of service.  

Over the two-weeks, the Assembly shall thus conduct the following business:

  • The Address by H.E. President Yoweri Museveni at the Special Sitting tomorrow, 24 January 2012 at 3PM
  • The State of EAC Address by Chairperson of the Summit of the EAC Heads of State, H.E. President Mwai Kibaki on Wednesday 25, January 2012 at 10 am
  • Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) Bill (2nd & 3rd Reading)
  • The EAC Transboundary Eco-Systems Bill (3rd Reading)
  • The EAC Polythene Materials Control Bill (2nd & 3rd Reading)
  • pose questions to the Council of Ministers, debate and adopt various Committee Reports, Motions and Resolutions.

As part of the oversight of the EAC programmes and projects, the Assembly shall have sessions with the Deputy Secretaries General of the EAC. The meetings shall present an opportunity to exchange ideas, espouse and strengthen the Community.

Reflecting on the Common Market, I appeal to the Partner States to amend their laws to enable full implementation of the Common Market Protocol, whose successful implementation will transform and positively revolutionise the EAC region. It is clear that the Partner States have made considerable progress with regards to the free movement of goods. However, the implementation of other provisions of the Common Market Protocol especially that regarding other “Freedoms” evidently still lags behind.   

It is important to note that the laws enacted by the EAC have the full force of law and take precedence over similar laws in the Partner States on matters related to the Community.

Finally, I appeal to the media as the Fourth Estate to follow and cover our proceedings and disseminate the necessary information to the various publics thus propagating the regional integration process.
I thank you for listening to me.


January 23, 2012

East African Legislative Assembly, Kampala, Uganda

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